Together/Apart | May 1, 2010

Together/Apart opened (and closed) last weekend, marking both the beginning of spring and our second successful show. Turn out was rather incredible, with people packing into most every inch of space. What had days before been a fully functioning studio, complete with an extraordinary mess, was transformed into (mostly) white walls and towers of fabric.

Together/Apart | 05.01.2010
Magnet Field by Tara ShoenHolz

Together/Apart | 05.01.2010
Maps Delineating Movement by Julia Lines Wilson

The work on the whole turned out to be highly participatory, with interactive pieces that required donning magnetized gloves, dancing to dancing, and listening to a physicist hypothesize. The other pieces were also so full of detail and intrigue, it was easy to get lost just looking at them.

Together/Apart | 05.01.2010
Together (detail) by Mikel-Bisbee Durlam

A gigantic hug and double high-five to everyone who visited us and our art on Saturday–it was good to see you! We look forward to our next misfit space.

For additional photos and piece/artist details, please visit our flickr set. Soon we hope to have some audio and video posted as well.

The Spare Room Gallery